M. Skipper

Hello Clinton, 
In this day and age where many make fantastic claims of how well their products work, I want to pass this story along to all who research your product for cleaning aluminum.  My home was built in 1989 and an electronic air purification filter was installed with the HVAC.  Although the original HVAC exterior unit and air handler have been replaced at least 3 times since, the Honeywell Eviracare Elite electrostatic air cleaner unit has remained in place. 
Even though I have attempted to clean them every 3 months religiously, they seemed eternally blackened. I've tried pool chlorine bleach, muriatic acid, ammonia, and every other cleaner imaginable......no luck.....still blackened. 
I happened to see your product reviewed on Ship Shape TV and said,what the hell, I've tried everything else.  My order arrived just a few days after purchase and I mixed up one part cleaner in 3 parts water (not taking any chances) and sprayed it on, letting it drain down on all sides of each little fin blade.  Your product foamed up as advertised and to my surprise, 27 years worth of blackened film rinsed right off!!  They came out as bright and shiny as the day they were made!! 
I am confident your product will improve the air quality in our home and help us live in a more healthy environment.  THANK YOU for creating a great product that actually does what you say it will do!! 