SHARKHIDE Aluminum Cleaner is not like the other "off the shelf" type aluminum cleaners you will find at retail outlets. SHARKHIDE Aluminum Cleaner is a HIGHLY CONCENTRATED blend of Acids, and cleaning agents that you dilute (with water) to suit the severity of your application. It can be applied anywhere from straight to diluted as much as 10:1 or more depending on the desired results.

SHARKHIDE Aluminum Cleaner is best applied to dry aluminum with an ADJUSTABLE TIP SPRAYER. Set the adjustable nozzle to the finest mist possible. Mist a 6' to 8' section from the bottom up, let the foam work for a few minutes and rinse off. THAT'S IT! No scrubbing required.

SHARHIDE Aluminum Cleaner will not harm carpeted bunks, paint or decals. When you're done, that old dark streaked and stained finish will be gone and you're left with a clean, uniform, streak free off white finish.

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Before Cleaning
After Cleaning

This is what aluminum looks like after just a short time in the elements.

Once Sharkhide Aluminum Cleaner is applied, it will begin to foam. Keep the surface under a thin blanket of foam for a few minutes, then rinse.


This is the finish you are left with. Now, you can apply your Sharkhide Aluminum Protectant, or polish and then the protectant.



Before Cleaning

After Cleaning
